Quintal Lavigueur Professional Corporation is a community-oriented, general-service firm with offices in Pembroke and Eganville. We honour the history of firms and quality of service that helped make us the firm we are today.

Jean-Pierre Quintal and Sylvia Christinck practiced for several decades under the name Quintal & Christinck in areas of criminal, family, real estate, wills, estates, corporate, and civil litigation. The practice merged with that of Rod Sauriol, a fixture in the Renfrew County Bar who served clients in English and French as a solicitor and children’s lawyer for 35 years. Mr. Sauriol was a gregarious lawyer who was always careful and professional in his duties.

In 2017, under the name Quintal Professional Corporation, the firm purchased Stewart Lavigueur’s practice in Eganville. Stewart was the only Law Society of Ontario (formerly Upper Canada) medal winner in Renfrew County. He was a practical joker who made work light and was known as the Eganville lawyer. We continued to operate our two offices under their original names until 2023 when we amalgamated as Quintal Lavigueur Professional Corporation.

Other lawyers have joined our firm or contributed files over the years. Laurie Dakin was a long-time barrister in Deep River who was known for his legal aid work. Upon Mr. Dakin’s retirement he transferred his files to Quintal Lavigueur Professional Corporation, as has Beth Goddard. Larry Robinson was a great mentor who always had time to listen. Mr. Robinson practiced in legal aid and family law, especially in the Westmeath area. Upon his retirement from private practice to become a full-time duty counsel, Mr. Robinson transferred his files to our firm. Mary Shushack was a long-time litigator and family lawyer with a history of solicitor work, wills, corporations, and estates. Originally from Barry’s Bay, Mary retired in 2023 and entrusted her files to Quintal Lavigueur Law.